Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The dentist puts me in a crappy mood

I hate the dentist but when they fuck up you have to go. I recently went for a cleaning and the girl hit a sensitive spot and looked at it and my last filling had somehow gotten loose and had to be redone. Today was that appointment ... YEA! The AC had broken and it was scorchign inside and out when I arrived at 3pm. Luckily new coolers had been purchased at home depot so it wasn't too bad but damn i was hot! I was in and out pretty quick and the numbing feeling lasted until I got back home a couple hours later. Then the pain set in. Stupid me forgot to take pain relievers before the novacaine went away but yeah whatever. I still hate the dentist. The worst of my birthday week is over. NOW ON WITH THE CELEBRATING!

I never have company!

But on Sunday night my buds Clare and Cristina came over to eat cake listen to music and spend the night! It was way fun. The next morning we woke up at 7 o'clock to go to the happiest place on Earth (how anybody can dislike the happiest place on Earth is beyond me but I won't name any names ... well maybe just one ... JASON!) We had a great time. Our pictures on splash mountain were absolutely hilarious. The first one brought me to tears. We rode Pirates twice. The rockets at tomorrowland is my new favorite ride. We saw the new musical of Snow White. Rode all the rides in Fantasyland. Come to think of it we might've rode all the rides. It was crazy. 15 hours in that place! We were all so tired afterwards but we had a really good time. Going to Disneyland makes me feel all warm and gushy inside. Similar to my backpack when the sunscreen busted in the bottom and nearly ruined Cristina's camera WHOOPS! I want to be a Disney princess and plan on sending a letter to the bigwigs to let them know that Aida needs to become animated soon so that little black girls can have something to relate to (THEN I CAN BE A DISNEY PRINCESS TOO!) It's interesting how Disney has never had a black or latina leading lady. It's hard to do that stuff because you don't want to offend people but it should be a priority to have young girls of color as a target audience for your films and merchandise. Shouldn't it? Mulan and Pocohantas didn't do too bad. But if you're scared that's why you have focus groups for parents and kids so that you can see what needs to be done in order to make films and merchandise suitable and not the jumping off point for anger but discussion. For now I'm busy perfecting my princess wave for the day that I am able to audition for the role of the first black Disney princess. As Aurora would say "Princess Fingers!"

A lesson before turning 20

So while walking a dear family friend and her grandbaby to their car outside of my complex on Sunday, I was bombarded by a young man's voice shouting "Hey! hey! hey! My homeboy wanna holla at you!" while I was proceeding back into my gated community. I said "You're too young for me baby." And kept walking. I got back inside the gate and had to walk past where the young men were playing basketball to get to my house so I said to myself Self, if these young men try to talk to you again, you should let them know that their manner of approaching you is not appropriate Sure enough ... "Hey! Hey! HEY! He wanna holla at you!" So I stopped and pulled the young man over and asked him to have a word with me. I said "How old are you?" He replied, "13." I said, "OK, I'm going to teach you a life lesson. The next time you want to talk to a girl or young lady or what have you, do not yell, 'Hey! Hey!' It's rude. She has a name and I can almost guarantee that it's not 'Hey!' Instead, with those strong lungs of yours, say 'Excuse miss or young lady may I speak with you for a moment or what is your name?'" He says to me "OK." In conclusion of this lesson I said, "Now, I'm 20 years old." (I know I'm not yet but it was the principle of the story that I was trying to get across) And he becomes very apologetic. "It's OK ... just remember what I told you."

Now all you young men take that to heart and heed my words. A little politeness in your tone will get you far in life.

If you missed my party

-Ya missed my crazy ass family drinking wine and eating food and talking all kinds of loud.
-My critically acclaimed Macaroni and Cheese
-The bomb birthday cake from the one and only Costco.
-A political debate before we sang "Happy Birthday"
-Singing "Happy Birthday"
-My cute new white skirt that I bought for 10 bucks.
-Seeing me open 300 bucks worth of gifts.
-A slumber party with three very cool ladies.
- ... and most importantly ... ME!

Now ... you'll be sure to celebrate with me next year won't you? :-) Don't feel bad. I'm kind of glad only one of my friends showed up to the actual party (Clare and Cristina came later that night) because I didn't get to spend much time with anybody because I was playing hostess and talking about my upcoming trip abroad with people. You probably would have felt ignored and a little overwhelmed because my family often has that effect on people. Oh well ... I'll be 20 in two days and a phone call or nice note will more than make up for any guilty feelings you may have :-)