Monday, December 25, 2006

lauren and the invisibles

Today is Christmas. And everything is going as planned. I woke up this morning. Made a lovely breakfast. Had a hot cup of chai. Chatted with my mommy. Checked the movie times and bought a ticket online for the 215 show. I hustled out of the house and on to the train. The movie was sold out when I get here so I was pumped that I bought my ticket before I left. Hooray for Fandango! I'm getting ready to take my seat in the disabled section and this bitch just rolls up behind me like she doesn't see me and my bright blue purse and TAKES MY SEAT! I just walked across the theater to another seat as she called after me. Fuck you lady. Take the seat. Then she tried to come and tell me to take the seat after she's found somewhere better to sit. I can't stand people. But I'm not going to let it ruin my day.

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you're celebrating the birth of our Lord with the ones you love and basking in the true spirit of the holiday. And if you're not Christian ... Hope you have a chill day off ... And if you're still working for the man ... Sucks to be you baby, but this too shall pass.