Friday, January 14, 2005


I've haven't had such a hard time adjusting to a situation since freshmen year of high school. They should really have a bridge program for when you come back to the states from studying abroad. My schedule continues to fill up slowly. I don't even know what I'm doing this semester or how things are going to turn out. I'm taking 17 units. Trying to revive gospel choir. Applying for a summer internship. Applying to be an RA. Working at two desks. Working with a committee on the Lane Center for Catholic Teaching and Social Thought. Dream Team. Retreats. Liturgical ministry. Clearly I won't have time for a show this semester. That might drive me absolutely crazy. Or it might make me completely sane. I just feel unfocused. And on top of all this I am crushing hard-core on this boy who makes me "cream my knickers" HAHAHA! He's beautiful. And smart. And goal-oriented. I just feel like he's not that into me. But maybe he is. Who knows? Whoever can read the opposite sex please contact me immediately.