Saturday, January 08, 2005

Daily Views, Pop Culture, Rants, and News

Daily Views, Pop Culture, Rants, and News


This isn't a dream

So yesterday ... Makeda calls and says she and Aida are going down to Haight and that I should come. So I get ready to go and then they call and say that Mike is coming too. Mike who I miss. Mike who I haven't seen in forever. Mike who makes me crazy sometimes. But Mike nonetheless. I'm not gonna lie ... I was excited. SO we had the reunion in the middle of McAllister with hugs and all and it was special. Then we went to lunch in the Mission. Then we came back and eventually met up with Mike again with alcohol and a couple of other of friends at his place. This is all too surreal. My friends no longer have dorm beds, they have couches and easy chairs and head boards and cooking utensils. WHOA! Are we growing up too fast? Is the world moving double time? I feel like I'm aging at an abnormal rate. This is crazy. It can't have been that long ago when I was just starting college and I had boys on the brain (one boy in particular) and I wasn't even thinking about leaving the country or moving off campus or having to use the internet at the library. All this that's going on now was unfathomable. Is there such a thing as being too in the moment. I'm in shock. I hope it fades soon. I have shit to do. HAHA!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

In your dreams!

OK so I keep having these dreams ... about BADA. They're so vivid and real. Somebody always pops up and all of a sudden I've been transfered back to London. Like last night John totally made out with me in front of Erin and she gave me a weird look but didn't say anything. OH! and when I was home I dreamt that somebody else had left Singer on the day of the production and we were all sitting around and I said "And then there were 10." And everybody laughed. And we put up the show anyway and I was doing so many other things that I missed my cue for the servant lines and they had to improv through it. What does this mean? It's so scary and real. I wake up and have to really snap out of it. STOP HAUNTING ME BADA!!!!

It is weird to be back. I walk across campus and run into people I haven't seen in ages. The states are weird. Everybody's walking around with the stunned "four more years" face. I miss being abroad. It's like I've just done something that I can't tell anybody else about (secret agent type shit).

I'm living off-campus and that's weird too. The place is GIGUNGOUS. It's a household through the Heart of Mary Center and they put you up in pretty nice quarters, furnished and close to school for 500 a month plus utilities. No contract. Month to Month rent. My own room! It's a great deal. I have to meet twice a month with the rest of the girls who are housed through Heart of Mary and we have faith-sharing/dinner/prayer meeting type things for an hour. I found it on Craig's list and my friend Abby affectionately refers to the area as "The Catholic Ghetto". HAHAHAHAHA! I died laughing. But that really is what it is. Right now I'm all by my lonesome but hopefully my apartment mates will be moving in next week. I don't know who they are but one girl is fresh from the abroad experience like me so I imagine we'll have a lot to talk about and we should get along fine. Here are pictures That's the deal. Back to the place until work this evening.

Monday, January 03, 2005


Back at USF! In my apartment! Back at work! Breathing the air of the bay! I missed this. I'm so weirded out though. I keep seeing people and they actually missed me and want to know what I'm up to. They like me. They really like me ... as Sally Field would say ... HAHA!

I've had a lot of thoughts lately but I've already prayed about it so it's in God's hands.