Saturday, March 19, 2005

Ready ... BREAK!

Whoever thought of Spring Break should receive a Nobel Peace Prize. That's what I think anyway. I was very happy to be in my bed and let it be known that I slept for 12 hours my first night back at home. Man was it good. I don't even remember Friday. I never sleep in. Even on weekends I'm up and at 'em on a max of 8 1/2 hours if there's no alarm to tell me otherwise. Anything over that is a huge accomplishment. Morgan came wand we had some folks over the house for dinner that evening. My mom's friend from primerica brought her baby. And of course my hormones go into over drive. I might as well have started to lactate because it was seriously the cuetest baby ever ... besides me of course ... I was pretty cute. And she was so good! She just sat and watched people ... SO PRECIOUS! I wonder what life would have been like if I had had a baby. I imagine pretty sucky. I always say "I want a baby!" but I'm just joshin' ya. I can't imagine my selfish lifestyle being cut short. How would I make it to London? My best friend is pregnant with her 2nd child. Hey crackhead ... i don't feel good. Why? Because I'm pregnant again. I couldn't take that as my lot in life. I'm having way too much fun. If I hadn't gone to college ... uh uh ... not even fathomable. I can't even stay in a relationship for more than a couple months ... babies?! YEAH RIGHT! Having company was fun. We played Taboo. I'm still good at that game. My team won of course :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

RA Position

I, Lauren Smith have been accepted to be an RA for Gillson Hall. SWEEET! Free room and board. That is what I am talkin about. I was kind of wanting to be Erasmus RA. Since I have done Erasmus and I heard through the grapevine that this group will be going to Africa. I'm dying to go to Africa. It's supposed to go be my graduation present to myself so I'm going to save save save and try and get over there December of 2006. I'm thinking Northeast countries. Maybe Kenya or Ethiopia or Egypt. I'm supposed to go to Nigeria to see my neighbor's family and that would be cool ... free accomodations but I'm all about living like a queen over there. If I can't go to Africa then maybe I'll go max and relax on some remote island. I just want to travel everywhere. It's definitely an addiction. I'm longing for my next international adventure. I've never been to South America either. Brazil is on the top 5, for sure, of places to visit. I'd also like to go to New Zealand. I'm always hungry for some cultural immersion. I think that's why I need to move to New York. All the different faces and languages. It's really beautiful to me. I talked a lot about that in my RA interview ... how I'm into multiculturalism ... and seeing so many different people to come together. Next year is going to rock so hard. I'm totally jazzed to plan some badd ass programs. And my staff is turning out real nice too. This girl Josselyn is just pure awesomeness. She's a freshmen and was in my group for group interviews. I knew she had it at the beginning. She's fully creative and level-headed. She works well with others and rocks so hard it's not even funny. And my new friend Caitlin got the position too. She's in Peace & Justice Coalition and just started up an Amnesty International chapter on campus. Oh and TC who I've known since his first year is also in Gillson. He was in my group too and I knew he had performed well. And the cherry on my Gillson cake is Jim Caya whom I've had a mini crush on for a year and a 1/2 now. He's in the Honors program, came and sang at Gospel Choir once and was totally into it, and he always shows his ID when he walks by the desk. I'm such a nerd but he is just adorable. Morgan got Loyola Village which is totally and completely awesome. She was excited to have her own room and bathroom and kitchen. We opened our letters together. It was cute. Morgan is a great friend. which is why I invited her to stay with me over Spring Break. Such a good idea.