Friday, February 04, 2005


Is complicated. It racks your brain. Like heavy billiards. And repeats beats like a bass Yet you seem base To the unknowing fool The extra pudge Mistaken for That time of The month The tremble In your voice For ... Then that damn song plays That reminds you How things got complicated In the first place PAUSE.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

i feel so small

all of a sudden there is this air between me and some of my friends. it's so obvious that i don't fit in anymore. people they've known for so much less time than they've known me have become their best friends. but wait a minute while i agonize some more. i know i'm blessed i just can't even think about how i've been replaced by a boyfriend or a greek life. is this selfish of me? maybe i need to make some new friends or get a boyfriend but i don't want to do what my "friends" are doing to me. this is normal i suppose but i am interested in the logic behind ignoring, avoiding, forgetting me. god i suck so much. i need to get over this shit and move on. i need to pray. i need to stop being so needy. the world doesn't revolve around me and friendships will come and go. i have to accept that. but i still want to cry for friendships lost and feelings ignored. it hurts to not be considered desirable anymore.