Tuesday, January 16, 2007


i saw stomp the yard yesterday. i enjoyed it. it was a nice story of overcoming obstacles and using your talents to rise above challenges. i'm all about it. but allow me to point out one thing. is it just me or does columbus short, the lead hottie kinda remind you of a certain ghost?

that's not a very good photo of him but damn i swear there were moments looking at the screen where i swear the ghost was staring right back at me. ugh. so then i couldn't get the ghost off the brain. then i called the ghost. because i have no will power. and then he answers and has to go. and says he'll call and then he doesn't and then i'm an idiot for holding on to a ghost who doesn't want to be held and trying to save a ghost that doesn't want to be saved. but i have a date tonight and am convinced that will not go off as planned but am holding out for 2500 mile away father to be. WHAT DRUGS AM I ON?!

I just don't like to be wrong and the more i (don't) talk to the ghost the more i realize how wrong i am. what's so wrong with being full of pride? i'll tell you what's wrong. it makes you delusional!

maybe the date will work out tonight. if anything i should get a free cup of coffee out of it right?

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